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Write to data layer stopps after few seconds

Write to data layer stopps after few seconds

Long-established Member

Hello everyone,

i want to see my data on the data layer via the devicebridge. I created my Device (Driver Modbus TCP), the connector (Ctrlx DataLayer Connector) and the Collector (JSON Collector). When I start the collector, everything works and I can see the realtime data on the Data Layer. The Problem is, that I can see the data only for a few seconds and than the Layer "devicebridge" disappears. Going back to the collector I can see, that he is automatically turned off. 

How can I ensure, that the Collector always stays on, to have the data at all times on the data layer?

Thanks in advance. 


Long-established Member

Hello E_Stapel,

I assume the collector was run in debug mode by clicking the green coloured run icon within the collector screen.

I kindly request to deploy the use case for seamless data stream to data layer by doing below steps in sequence,

  • 1. Click on Routing -> Add a route -> Choose the collector and data layer connector, Link it. (Routing image attached)
  • 2. Click on Service Container -> Drag & Drop the route created, Save it. (Route_Inside_ServiceContainer image attached)
  • 3. Publish -> Deploy / Publish the usecase provided all the checks are green (Publish_the_Usecase image attached)
  • 4. Service Monitoring -> Deployed service should be in running state as shown in the attachment (DeployedService image attached)
  • 5. Data streaming video attached too

Hope this clarifies


Product Support


Long-established Member

Hello @DvB_Support ,

thank you so much!
